Helping You Break Through Barriers, So You Can Live Your Best Life.

Many people meander through life forfeiting the possibility of achieving a vision of success or a specific goal, simply because it doesn’t seem feasible to them.

But What If Impossible Is Just An Illusion?

Through my work in coaching and mediation, I’ve witnessed time and time again that at the root of these seemingly impossible goals we find conflicts such as:

Limiting self-perceptions

Harmful thought processes and patterns

Unhealthy habits

Unsuccessful communication


Lack of direction

My expertise lies in helping you discover creative solutions to these everyday human challenges and in turn, transform the seemingly impossible into a reality.

Hello There!

I'm Tamir Hasan professional coach, mediator, and published author.

More importantly though, I'm a passionate advocate for redefining possibilities in life.

At the heart of my passion lies a deep commitment to helping you thrive. My name, Tamir, embodies the essence of success, improvement, and beauty – values I strive to bring into every coaching session, even with my no-BS approach.

With a background in computer science and software development, I seamlessly transitioned into the world of coaching. Just as computer science involves analyzing and understanding intricate systems, conflict resolution involves the analysis and understanding of human behavior.

You Are The Expert Of Your Own Life!

My role is to guide you, challenge you, and empower you.

Why The NO-BS Approach To Coaching?

As many people as you encounter each day of your life, how many of them are 100% honest with you?

Even those closest to us, loved ones and coworkers, typically water down the truth in order to guard feelings or not cause problems.

So when it comes to personal growth, why opt for a coach who does the same thing?

Half-truths and sugar-coated feedback will only get you so far.

How much progress do you think you will make with that type of coaching?

My approach is direct, honest, and absent of BS. My commitment to you is to call it like I see it and to hold you accountable when necessary.

…hold up, Tamir! Does this mean you're gonna start barking orders at me like some kind of Army drill sergeant?!

Of course not!

I will always provide empathy and compassion. My goal is to create a relaxed and safe environment where you feel comfortable enough to laugh, cry, curse, and divulge any feelings or concerns you have, while also achieving maximum growth.

Wondering How I Got There?

Having initially pursued a career in software development, I later found myself feeling unfulfilled and wanting more. I discovered that a colleague offered coaching, so I sought him out to learn more.

A fortunate turn of events introduced an opportunity within my workplace: the chance to immerse myself in internal coaching, in exchange for learning mediation and conflict resolution. Without hesitation, I embraced the opportunity, and in doing so, uncovered my true calling.

My skill sets from my computer science background served me well in making the transition. Rather than analyzing and studying computers, I was now analyzing and studying people. Understanding the how and why of human behavior fascinates me and fuels my ongoing drive for continuous education in my field, which allows me to better help my clients.


Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Certified Mediator through the Interlocal Conflict Resolution Group

When I'm NOT Busy Doing Mindset Magic, You'll Find Me.

At the poker tables, thriving in the world of bluffs and bets.

Crafting masterpieces, block by block, with my newest lego set.

Beneath the ocean waves, scuba-diving like a merman.

Soaking up all the latest industry wisdom via audiobooks.

Ready to get down to business?